Complements More facials, fewer filters


It seems like every day social media platforms are buzzing with new photo filters used to improve the appearance of those close-ups. After all, adding a filter can instantly help you attain a full face of makeup or a smooth, flawless complexion in seconds. Without a doubt, I’m sure we’ve all been guilty of using a filter a time or two, but what if I told you that smooth, flawless skin is possible without them?

As a licensed aesthetician, it is my mission to help you achieve healthy, glowing skin. The best skin care isn’t usually a “one and done” deal. Treatments such as chemical peels, photo facials, microdermabrasion and regular facials done every one to three months can help with skin cell turn over and help you achieve and maintain your skin’s natural beauty.

Let’s welcome spring, with fewer filters and an improved skin care. Schedule a consultation with me so I can help you develop a skin care regimen to alleviate your concerns and forego the filters for good!